Antigo Police Department Warrant of the Week
Warrant of the Week:
The Antigo Police Department holds a child support warrant for Ashley D. Sprague d.o.b. 07-14-1986. Those with information on her whereabouts are urged to call the Antigo Police Department at (715) 627-6411 or Langlade County Crimestoppers at 715-627-NAIL (6245). Callers may remain anonymous. You can also view a list of all warrants at our website, With your cooperation we can continue to protect and serve the City of Antigo.
Winter Parking:
As of March 31st the City of Antigo’s winter parking ban has officially been lifted. Overnight parking is now allowed except where it is specifically posted. If you have received a parking citation this year, it still needs to be paid in full even though the ban has been lifted.