“Surviving the Holidays”
Community Seminar on December 12th
GriefShare “Surviving the Holidays” seminar, to be held Monday December 12th at Peace Lutheran Church in the Fellowship Hall from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m., offers practical, actionable strategies for making it through the holiday season. At this two-hour seminar, you’ll view a video featuring advice from people in grief who’ve faced the holidays after their loss. You’ll hear insights from respected Christian counselors, pastors, and psychologists. You’ll receive a Holiday Survival Guide with practical strategies, encouraging words, helpful exercises, Q/As, and journaling ideas for daily survival through the holiday season.
At GriefShare “Surviving the Holidays”, you’ll meet with other grieving people who have an understanding of what you’re going through. They won’t judge you or force you to share, but will accept you where you are and will offer comfort and support. Your holiday season won’t be easy; your emotions may ambush you and overwhelm you at times. But you can choose to walk through this season in a way that honors your loved one and puts you on the path of health and healing.
To find out more about GriefShare “Surviving the Holidays”, call the Peace Lutheran Church
Office at 715-623-2200. This is a FREE community event hosted by Peace Lutheran Ministries. Pastor
Dan Kohn and Sarah Stoehr are facilitators for the event.