Senseless Vandalism Causing Significant Damages in the Area
In the past year there has been a considerable amount of damage to recreational trails, road signs and public access county properties throughout Langlade County – totaling damages now in the several thousands of dollars.
Vandals have pulled gates right out from the ground, destroyed and decommissioned county provided bathrooms, destroyed and missing road & safety signs by shooting them, pulling them from the ground, and even running them over. They have tore up parking areas that are for recreational use and many more things.
The plea from several area representatives & effected organizations are asking for it to stop!
The citizens of Langlade County, effected Townships and local ATV clubs have to pay for this. This extensive damage is hurting Langlade County and the recreational sports facilities and trail use. They are asking the public for help. Holding those responsible accountable is necessary.
Please stay alert and if you see anything happening or even suspicious behavior: get a description and license plate numbers off vehicles and ATVs. If you have information please call local police or the county forestry office 715-889-3916. For more information, contact Al Murray or Sally Mulhollon, president of White Lake ATV Club at 920-517-2887.